
...his teachings live on. Through the new Rabbi Dr. Avraham J. Twerski zt”l Learning Center, we will ensure that his mission of inspiring personal and spiritual growth will continue to build future generations.


In the span of his decades-long career, Rabbi Dr. Avraham J. Twerski zt”l became renowned as a respected and beloved figure, who revolutionized the Torah world  in its approach to many aspects of mental health, from self-esteem to addictions and spirituality.

Today, Rabbi Twerski’s pioneering life’s work and teachings are more relevant than ever: How to inculcate self-esteem in ourselves and in our children; how to discover the beauty and Godliness in every individual. In the world we live in today, so many are thirsting for the knowledge, based on timeless Torah wisdom and modern-day psychological research, that Rabbi Twerski imparted.

Unfortunately, this humble giant of a man is no longer with us, and the global  Jewish community is still reeling from his loss.  Yet, his teachings live on.  Through the brand-new Rabbi Dr. Avraham J. Twerski zt”l Learning Center, we will ensure that his mission of inspiring personal and spiritual growth will continue to build future generations.  

The Learning Center, a one-of-a-kind educational institute, is hosted by Beit Knesset Menorat HaMaor in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph. The Rav of the shul, Rabbi Daniel Myers, was Rabbi Twerski’s stepson-in-law.  Rabbi Twerski visited Menorat Hamaor frequently for Shabbat for close to 20 years, gave lectures and shiurim at the shul, held a Tisch at the Myers’ home and davened Neilah every year.  The Kesher between Rabbi Twerski and Menorat Hamaor was powerful. After his passing, the shul decided to create something meaningful and impactful to perpetuate his memory and teachings.  

The Twerski Learning Center is planned to be a global hub for lectures, shiurim, classes, workshops and educational materials on the subject of personal and spiritual development from a Torah perspective. WE LIVE STREAM ALL OUR LECTURES TO A GLOBAL AUDIENCE

As Rabbi Twerski was renowned for his promotion of achdut (unity) and his outreach to Jews of all backgrounds, it is a fitting tribute that the Learning Center in his memory will, likewise, bring together people from across the world to learn and share resources on this important topic.

The Twerski Learning Center houses a robust library offering a collection of 70 of Rabbi Twerski’s books as well as other books and Sefarim on the topic of personal growth, character development and Torah – providing a central educational resource for the public. 

The Center also maintains an active website where people can listen to shiurim and lectures on a wide range of mental health topics and personal growth, including an archive of Rav Twerski’s shiurim.  The goal is for the website to become the centralized global resource for the subject of mental health and Torah, so that anyone interested in the topic will be able to access the vast amount of video, audio and print educational materials available, all in one place. 

The Center’s target audiences, includes those involved in chinuch, community rabbinic leaders, mental health professionals, parents seeking guidance in raising their children and the broader community of people who are interested in the topic.